Objectif3280 is a worldwide photographic and participative project, online and in real time based on linking ideas and pictures.

The 6th edition is over!

Posts tagged "4th edition"
Have a look to the map of the echoes?

Have a look to the map of the echoes?

After the map of the echomunity, here is the map of all echoes that have been posted on this 4th edition of Objectif3280 which will end the 14th of February during the night. 818 pictures have already founded a room on this echo-photographic tree since January the 17th! And we can see that this echomunity...
De beaux lendemains: here is the picture where everything will start tomorrow

De beaux lendemains: here is the picture where everything will start tomorrow

Let me introduce you to “De beaux lendemains”… This is the unique and central picture of Generation 1 on which I propose you to start for the 4th edition! I hope it will inspire you and will lead to great stories. For this 4th edition, and it’s new, every one is invited to write a...